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Welcome to Green UP!
Welcome to the home of Green UP Gaming POdcast! We hope you enjoy the site, and our podcast. Make sure to check out our blog and come back often as we are always adding content to the site. Green UP is a podcast about video games, tv shows, netflix, movies, podcasting and more.

Breaking News from Green Up!

RCCC 2015!

Ryan and Teddy made it to Rose City Comic Con 2015. This year almost 20 other Podcasters made the trip. Be sure to check out the Blog page for new additions of events and stories that took place. Tech Time Teddy took a bunch of video and we interviewed artists, cosplayers and many more. Be sure to check back often!
Green Up was one of the 'Rockin' Libsyn Podcasts on Libsyn's The Feed, click on the image to read the blog post about us!

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